The Green Lion Academy

About us

The Green Lion Academy

Who is The Green Lion Academy?

About The Green Lion Academy

Development for young individuals, by applying and progressing their skills in a foreign working environment. Interning with The Green Lion Academy would expressively improve your skills, knowledge, and employability with our well placed and tailor-made international internship programs.

The Green Lion Academy offers internships which are developed for today’s new generations to achieve original methods of their field of study. We at Green Lion Academy believe that the best path for students is to develop themselves personally and professionally is through international working experiences.

By doing so, the intern students will be challenged to apply their theory and practical skills learned in their universities in different situations, which will help them further advance in their careers.

The Green Lion Academy is now offering Internship programs for individuals who wish to apply their skills in cities such as Bali, Bangkok, Kathmandu, Bangalore, Kandy, Chengdu, Ho Chi Minh, Esparza and many more to come!

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Green Lion Academy Internships

Personal Growth

Through our various internship programs you will develop a personal work ethic and be able to explore your career interests, career goals, and your approach to a professional workplace.

Professional Networking

Our internships facilitate the development of professional contacts that may help you in the future.

Cultural Immersion

With our international internships you experience local Cultures through immersion and meeting people.

Competitive edge

Students graduating with internship experiences, in general, are more likely than students without those experiences to find employment upon graduation.

Guaranteed Internship

We guarantee an inquired internship within 72hours of receiving the application.

Life Changing Experience

Have a life changing experience with the Green Lion Academy Global Internships